SAP® Transformation Services

Executives in all industries are facing pressure to innovate and transform their businesses. Through our SAP® Transformation Services, we provide the guidance that can help you close the gap between digital strategy and execution


Business Innovation

Leverage SAP's new and emerging technologies to evolve your business model and value chain

Digital Transformation

identify the potential for optimization and derive indications for the possible use of technology trends

Value Optimization

Define key performance indicators (KPIs), and empower you to achieve them over time using our established accelerators and frameworks.


Breakthrough Trends & Strategic Objectives for Your Industry

Help you go from seeing the need for digital transformation to starting the journey towards that move. Based on industry trends and the new set of technical possibilities, which includes reference cases to help build the story for your company

Your Business Capability Changes and Realization Tracking

Based on the selected product map and recommendations, list the available business capabilities and associate the relevant value drivers. Based on aspiration ranges from our implementation experience, a personal value aspiration is set and linked to realization tracking opportunities

Business Case & Realization Tracking

Planning for the business impact and keeping track of the value realization can be a challenge. Also, ensuring proper and timely engagement of key business representatives in designing the journey should be considered.


The Digital framework and reference landscape

Starting from SAP’S digital framework, a reference landscape for your industry helps build the story for your company. The product roadmap availability should also support planning your journey.

Go-To Guidance on currently used applications

Based on the selected product map and the IT-strategy decisions, you're given an overview of the go-to recommendations. You'll also see a comparison to the reference landscape for your industry and a list of the associated integration information.

Advanced system and landscape analysis

Moving to execution will require many in-depth analysis, many of which are supported by SAP tools. Examples include the custom code analysis, sizing, Fiori recommendations, and opportunities for multi-instance consolidation


Transition Scenarios

Starting from SAP’s overall transition scenario experience, relevant service frameworks can help build the journey for your company

Transition Heatmap and Prioritization

Based on the selected product map and the associated product recommendations, a heatmap of the necessary transitions is generated taking underlying transition types into account..

Outline Planning & Timeline

Given your company’s implementation and data center policies, additional steps are needed to estimate the effort, and to sequence the phasing of the journey ahead.

Contact Us

3Core Systems is an SAP Silver Partner Providing System Integration, Consulting and Support Services. For Immediate help, please call (630) 748-8800